Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kitty attack

Soooooo let me see im not a everyday blogger as u can see. So friday i went to bed at 8 and didnt wake up till 11 on sat lol much needed sleep. Altho fridays are alwasy ruff on me since i get off at 6m from wrkin all night then pretty much stay up all day. Sat it was a yeallin/screaming match between the girls and themselvels along with me. So I said u know what if ur rooms are not clean we will not go to talyor party (we didnt go). Well i really wanted to go see jake so they got thier rooms clean. We went to st joes to see jake he looked fantastic he was soo happy to see us as we r to see him. Doc told mom he wont get sick till prolly 10 days after chemo. we stayed there for a hour or so the girls played playstation with him while i chit chatted with mom and dad. Then i get a text sun morning saying jake had a horrible night after you guys left. Apparently he got chemical menningities due to the spinal tap and he was liek the exorcist. His eyes his head it all hurt really bad and he was so sensitive to light and noise and smell. So now we dont knwo when he gets to go home.

Well sat after we left the hospital i did homework o yeah exciting but i did get 100 on one and 95 on the other so i was pretty stoked about that. Then we went to kims sisters for a bday party the lil one turned 1. Shes so freakin cute. The kids Sswam we ate then here comes kims mom with the tequila (there is no hiding from her) so I ended up doing 4 shots suprisinling i didnt barf. "Mija take a shot u cant run i will find u" haha i love her but hate the Te killya.

Woke up today feelign great and was all excited to go to the humane society wich i love! So these people bring in 3 really cute kittie and im like i can put them in the crate. Yeah that went well the 1st one got its claws stuck in my palm and arm while the otehr too hissed and attacked my arm FKIN cats suck! I have yet to have a problem with cats until now then the owners say o well we havent really handled them much well no fkin DUH u snobby fake asses.

just chillen on fb now and watching mad money on lifetime waiting for army wives to come on gn yall


  1. ooh. Army Wives. I love that show! That poor little kid. Yeah, at around 10-12 days, his wbc and platelet count are going to drop mad low, and then he will be on leukocytopenic precautions, as well as bleeding precautions, and you may not be able to visit. :( His rbc may drop as well, and he may need transfusions for that and the platelets. Keep me posted.
    I'm not really a cat person, unless it's my cat. haha.

  2. HEs been alrdy getting transfusions i think he has had 3 alrdy, and he is already on neutopenic percs the doc said he will start throwing up and will have fevers. Right now he has chemical mennigities due to the spinal tap so that bought him a few more days in thew hospital havent talked to mom today so not sure how he is today. Right now tony the dad and johann are trying to get his bathroom all set up for him they had to redo the plumbing and stuff so he has his own bathroom. They also have to get lots and lots of sanatizer for the house. They are starting on the roof too they had a leak in the kitchen. Alot to be done I made a schedule for all the peeople who wanted to help with meals then we r hosting a car wash when school starts . Trying to do what ever we can to help. I guess he will have 3 years of treatment and if nothing shows up by 3 years he is in the clear. She said shes not sure if he can even go to school she may have to quit her job its a mess i feel so bad for jake and his family.. They are such good people
