Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kitty attack

Soooooo let me see im not a everyday blogger as u can see. So friday i went to bed at 8 and didnt wake up till 11 on sat lol much needed sleep. Altho fridays are alwasy ruff on me since i get off at 6m from wrkin all night then pretty much stay up all day. Sat it was a yeallin/screaming match between the girls and themselvels along with me. So I said u know what if ur rooms are not clean we will not go to talyor party (we didnt go). Well i really wanted to go see jake so they got thier rooms clean. We went to st joes to see jake he looked fantastic he was soo happy to see us as we r to see him. Doc told mom he wont get sick till prolly 10 days after chemo. we stayed there for a hour or so the girls played playstation with him while i chit chatted with mom and dad. Then i get a text sun morning saying jake had a horrible night after you guys left. Apparently he got chemical menningities due to the spinal tap and he was liek the exorcist. His eyes his head it all hurt really bad and he was so sensitive to light and noise and smell. So now we dont knwo when he gets to go home.

Well sat after we left the hospital i did homework o yeah exciting but i did get 100 on one and 95 on the other so i was pretty stoked about that. Then we went to kims sisters for a bday party the lil one turned 1. Shes so freakin cute. The kids Sswam we ate then here comes kims mom with the tequila (there is no hiding from her) so I ended up doing 4 shots suprisinling i didnt barf. "Mija take a shot u cant run i will find u" haha i love her but hate the Te killya.

Woke up today feelign great and was all excited to go to the humane society wich i love! So these people bring in 3 really cute kittie and im like i can put them in the crate. Yeah that went well the 1st one got its claws stuck in my palm and arm while the otehr too hissed and attacked my arm FKIN cats suck! I have yet to have a problem with cats until now then the owners say o well we havent really handled them much well no fkin DUH u snobby fake asses.

just chillen on fb now and watching mad money on lifetime waiting for army wives to come on gn yall

Friday, June 25, 2010

Y is that every 1 around me gets cancer?

I just dont get life! Am I being punished? What is it really? It all started back in 06 with my grandma evelyn she passed away easter sunday of 06. She was my favorite person in the whole world I loved her more than she will ever know. She was my hero in so many ways. I have so many great memories of her I really wish she was still here. My youngest is named after her all she ever wanted is one of her grandchildren to name thier child after her grandma sarah. I fullfilled that for her Jewel sarah-evelyn. I am so thankful she got to meet jewel to she was so happy I did that for her. There isnt anything in this world I would not done for that amazing woman. I miss her every day I love u so much grandma.

In 09 I lost my mother another hero in my life. I was so angry god had taken her from me maybe im selfish but she was my mom and my best friend altho teenage years were hell she never pushed me away she always loved me. I put my mom though multiple sucide attemps, fights and lots and lots of tears. When I finally grew up and had jess we became the best of friends. I miss goign over to her house whenever I wanted even if they were asleep lol I had my house key still. We went over their at least 6 days a week. When they had moved to NY i was so mad she left me I was mad at her sisters I was mad at my dad I was mad at the world. I thought my grandma has a son and a daughter who live there y does my mom have to move? I was fkin pissed but then i was happy because she was their for my grandma if it wasnt for my mom my grandpa would have to do it all alone. Another thing that made me mad was that my mom didnt tell me how bad she was. She was gonna wait till we came to visit to tell me but she nevre got the chance. I love my mom and miss her like crzy Im not mad anymore I do have my days though. I was also mad cause i found out about hospice through FB which the person who posted it didnt knwo i didnt know that. Im over that too. All my mom wanted was for me to lay down with her so i did and she calmed down I love u so flippin much mom u will alwyas be in my heart and mind.

I have had a total of 6 relatives die in a 3 year span. WTH

Now one of my best friends son jake has lukemia really hes 9 fkin cancer sucks ass. I also found out another close friend just found out her dad has untreatable lymphoma. Seriously am I being punished are you sending me warning signs what is it

Ok enuff venting

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

U seriously irritate the shit out of me but i fkin love u

Ok so this is going to be a BITCH fest Im sick of it and i need to fkin vent! S0 johann would make fun of me saying i have dunlap diease and shit like that cause im a freakin cow. Im to the point im goign to wrk put harder and def eat better for the next 3 weeks due to going to camp. Well he goes why are u so healthy all of a sudden why are you goign to the gym? are u meeting a guy there? WTF then on sat my firned crystal bought me a nice outfit to wear out now mind u crystal only dates black guys. So we were goign to go to a club called the duster room. Johann says to me today why did u dress up so u can get sum black cock. I was u know what johann fk u and i havent talked to him since 9 this morning! Such fkin BS it was all casue he wanted fkin del taco and couldnt get up off his lazt fkin ass and go get it. Im not eating that shit y would i want to go and smell it?

On that note i have to take my old neightbor grocery shopping tomorrow thats gonna be fun NOT ok gn

Sour puss

So kim ditched me yesterday cause she hurt her back at work what a punk! then she kicks my ass in bejeweled yeah her bach hurt haha. She said I took a voicodin im high so i can sit ina chair shea a freakin nut but i love her. I havent had a good friend like that since i was in 3rd grade. Lori is my bff and will always will be.

Picked the girls up today from summer reading camp and they had snow cones well where the heck is mine dammit. O yeah forgot in on a strick diet grrrr only day 2 and i want sweets. So went to the gym this moring and I am hurting sooo bad i just did arms today I can barley walk. So im gonna go again around 4ish and swim laps again.

Johann isnt work and hes driving me fkin insane omg i miss my quiet time~!!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Moutain Dew Man

So Today I started my 3 week challange (3 weeks till we go camping woot) anywho it is working out hard at the gym , watching my intake, no coke (withdrawls comming) No beer or my long islands (major whaaaaaa) I can do it though! I figured Ill lose weight so i can eat and drink beer all i want at camp. Ha sounds liek a fablous plan and i am stickin to it.

So this is the last week of the girls summer camp gotta figure out what do do with them. We alrdy go to the movies every friday morning and pretty much swim every day well at least if i dont have to work. The libary on tues has something always goign on maybe we will check that out. I know they are dying to go see eclipise but there is no way in heck i will go on opening day. I have to plan jewels bday party her bday is the 10th and thats the day we leave for camp. So im thinking maybe the 9th at peter piper pizza. Shes gonna be 7 jeepers they are all growing up so freakin fast its crzy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

!st entry

So this was a pretty eventful weekend I ending up going out friday night with a bunch of girlfriends from work! Had a blast we went to marcs and i prolly drank way to much! So sat I went out again we went to hurricane bay then bobby Qs and i got toasted but i looked HOTT doing it haha I dressed like a girly girl and i liked it the complimets i got even though i turned a red. Freak lou and kims though kept saying bend over toni let me see that ass! I love those 2 bozos. Now just chillen with the kiddos and downloading sum music <3 ya