Friday, June 25, 2010

Y is that every 1 around me gets cancer?

I just dont get life! Am I being punished? What is it really? It all started back in 06 with my grandma evelyn she passed away easter sunday of 06. She was my favorite person in the whole world I loved her more than she will ever know. She was my hero in so many ways. I have so many great memories of her I really wish she was still here. My youngest is named after her all she ever wanted is one of her grandchildren to name thier child after her grandma sarah. I fullfilled that for her Jewel sarah-evelyn. I am so thankful she got to meet jewel to she was so happy I did that for her. There isnt anything in this world I would not done for that amazing woman. I miss her every day I love u so much grandma.

In 09 I lost my mother another hero in my life. I was so angry god had taken her from me maybe im selfish but she was my mom and my best friend altho teenage years were hell she never pushed me away she always loved me. I put my mom though multiple sucide attemps, fights and lots and lots of tears. When I finally grew up and had jess we became the best of friends. I miss goign over to her house whenever I wanted even if they were asleep lol I had my house key still. We went over their at least 6 days a week. When they had moved to NY i was so mad she left me I was mad at her sisters I was mad at my dad I was mad at the world. I thought my grandma has a son and a daughter who live there y does my mom have to move? I was fkin pissed but then i was happy because she was their for my grandma if it wasnt for my mom my grandpa would have to do it all alone. Another thing that made me mad was that my mom didnt tell me how bad she was. She was gonna wait till we came to visit to tell me but she nevre got the chance. I love my mom and miss her like crzy Im not mad anymore I do have my days though. I was also mad cause i found out about hospice through FB which the person who posted it didnt knwo i didnt know that. Im over that too. All my mom wanted was for me to lay down with her so i did and she calmed down I love u so flippin much mom u will alwyas be in my heart and mind.

I have had a total of 6 relatives die in a 3 year span. WTH

Now one of my best friends son jake has lukemia really hes 9 fkin cancer sucks ass. I also found out another close friend just found out her dad has untreatable lymphoma. Seriously am I being punished are you sending me warning signs what is it

Ok enuff venting

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