Monday, June 21, 2010

The Moutain Dew Man

So Today I started my 3 week challange (3 weeks till we go camping woot) anywho it is working out hard at the gym , watching my intake, no coke (withdrawls comming) No beer or my long islands (major whaaaaaa) I can do it though! I figured Ill lose weight so i can eat and drink beer all i want at camp. Ha sounds liek a fablous plan and i am stickin to it.

So this is the last week of the girls summer camp gotta figure out what do do with them. We alrdy go to the movies every friday morning and pretty much swim every day well at least if i dont have to work. The libary on tues has something always goign on maybe we will check that out. I know they are dying to go see eclipise but there is no way in heck i will go on opening day. I have to plan jewels bday party her bday is the 10th and thats the day we leave for camp. So im thinking maybe the 9th at peter piper pizza. Shes gonna be 7 jeepers they are all growing up so freakin fast its crzy.


  1. omg. I can't beleive she will be 7. really? are you sure? haha.

  2. Yep it will be 7 years ago july 10th haha crzy man they grow up so flippin fast

  3. wheres the actual story about the mountain dew man? lol
