Monday, September 27, 2010

Need to vent

So joanna went to wet and wild with us and it was fun right Well i said can u text ur mom and see if she can pick u up im really tired. We were out in sun all day. So her mom goes how soon b4 u get to tonis house and joanna says 15 mins so 5 mins later she texts back no. WTF y did u ask when we would be there when it would take u 15 20 mins to get ot my house?? Any way so today she tells johann I havent recieved support in 4 weeks (which they alrdy discussed it and she was ok with it till we go tour taxes) so hes said ok wel find out what i need to do and ill send u the check tomorrow shes like u owe 418.63 then ur caught up till friday. so friday we pay another 100. I dont mind that we pay support thats johanns duty no biggie but what pisses me off is that all these years she controlled when joanna could come over never followed court order (which ik johann could of done something but he didnt want to go to court to fight and pay more money) But joannas 17 and she still pulls the bs but its whatever in may we r done no more support so fk off bitch not joanna her mom. Just makes me mad how she changes her mind in a day but its whatever come may u r done. Joanna cant wait till she graduates she told me so she can go to college shes alrdy lookin for apts lol. they wont let the poor kid get her liscense till shes 18. They dont know i let her drive hehe she does good to. ok enuff of that good night

Been along time

Well im not good at this but my sister in law is ragging on me time to time to update so she has sum bathroom reading material. Haha jiking silver love u.

Well johann and I started the hcg diet and so far going good only sucky part is the cal part can only have 500 cal a day but it says in 4 weeks our appetite will be less
I can make chilli we can eat its tastes good to i make it with eitehr ground turkey or chicken with diced tomatoes with mild chillis, long green onions, garlic, cumen, chilli powder and chicken broth .

starting weight for me was 172 im now down to 162.4 im getting there still more to go though johann started at 326 and now at 302 and we r on day 8.

Took the kids to wet and wild yesterday it was sooo fun def gonna get season passes next year. I fried but all tan today yah! its a park with mainly water sildes they have a wave pool and a lazy river as well. The place was packed yesterday but it was the last day.

the girls r doing great in school i got lil genius. Jewel is stuggling a lil bit with math but they r adding 3 numbers lik 4+5+3 stacked on top another so its just a new concept she will get it. Jess procedued to tell me that she didnt want to go to royal palm next year and i should find out what school kendall and lataja r going to. My response is y and she said cause my frieds are not goign to there. i said well jess u have lots of friends that r goign to royal palm. and i went on to explain how sometimes friends have to move. Plus we r all friends its not liek u wont see tham again. Ive had the same best friend since 3rd grade and im lucky if i see her once every couple of years. but we r still friends. Shes 10 and driving me u the wall with her tude but apparently other kids her age r the same sigh.