Wednesday, July 14, 2010

For Silver

I like sex drugs and rock n roll haha!!!! Just chillen watching rescue me then gonna write my paper thats due sat, nothing like waiting till the last min. LMAO danny off rescue me said what u want me to blow him back to life hahaha. So kim and lou come back from big lake today im excited ive missed them its been 2 days since ie chatted with miss kim. Shes gonna kill me though when she sees all the goofy ass pics i posted of her on fb lol. Cant bleive my lil baby is 7 waaaaa no more babies they r growing up to fast. Fri she goes to see vicki for her well check at 8 am thats gonna suck. She doesnt know it yet but she is getting her blood drawn haha altho jessica is too and she doesnt know it hahah, Sorry not gonna be funny when it happens but jessica has been so pale and blah think shes anemic like i always am. Well silver cant think of anythign else so ill write more later luv ya